이디엄 & 슬랭 / / 2014. 10. 10. 11:35

일상에 자주 사용하는 영어 이디엄 7개 정리

일상에 자주 사용하는 영어 이디엄 7개 정리

라쿤잉글리시 미친너굴입니다. 

오늘은 일상 생활에 자주 사용하는 이디엄(Idiom) 몇 가지를 살펴보겠습니다. 

an eye opener

a fish out of water

get along

break the ice

put your food in it

see eye to eye

be in hot water 

A는 이디엄을 사용한 표현이고, B는 다시 풀어서 말하는 형식으로 대화를 만들어보겠습니다. 

따로 해석은 달지 않겠습니다. 문맥으로 뜻을 유추해 보세요. 

A : I guess you learned a lot when you travelled in Africa, didn't you?

B : Yes, it was a real eye opener.

A : In Mozambique, did you feel uncomfortable because everything was unfamiliar?

B : Yes, I was like a fish out of water.

A : Did you have a good relationship with everyone at the conference?

B : Yes, we all got along.

A : Was it easy to make the atmosphere relaxed when you first arrived at the meeting?

B : Yes, I broke the ice with a few jokes.

A : Did you embarrass yourself by making any cultural mistakes?

B : Yes, I put my foot in it when I said “goodbye” instead of “hello” in French.

A : Did you and your counterpart agree on all of the issues?

B : Yes, we saw eye to eye on everything.

A : Did you get into any trouble during the trip?

B : Yes, I was in hot water when I lost my passport.

A : I heard you felt like the boss put you in a very difficult situation?

B : Yes, I was thrown in the deep end when he sent me to that meeting.

다시 리얼 대화를 다시 구성해봤습니다. Jim과 Jack이 회사 동료이고 Jack이 해외 출장을 다녀온 상황입니다. 


 Jim : Hi Jack. How was your business trip to Toronto?

Jack : It was a real eye opener. I have never experienced that kind of negotiation style before.

Jim : I guess you felt like a fish out of water. I did too my first time in Canada. Was it easy to get along with everyone?

Jack:   Yes, of course. But at first, I was nervous when I tried to break the ice. I tried to use the basic English greeting I learned in my language class, but I put my foot in it whenever I said something.

Jim : I've had a similar experience. It's a little embarrassing.

Jack : My customer was nice, and we laughed about it.

Jim : So, how did the meeting go?

Jack : I think we saw eye to eye on most of the major issues during the meeting. I wasn’t able to get them to sign the contract though, so I am in a bit of hot water with the boss. I feel like I was thrown in the deep end trying to get this contract signed.

위의 두 대화들이 잘 이해가 되시나요? 

이제 뜻을 한번 살펴보겠습니다. 

an eye opener 

an eye opener 의 뜻은 쉽게 우리 말로 '눈이 번쩍 뜨이다"는 뜻입니다. 새롭고 다른 세상을 보고 눈이 뻔쩍하다고 할 때 씁니다.

a fish out of water

a fish out of water '물 밖의 생선' 말 그대로 상황과 환경이 낯선 상황에 있는 사람을 가리킵니다. 

get along with 사람

'get along with + 사람'는 '그 사람과 좋은 관계를 가지다'는 뜻입니다.  

 break the ice

break the ice 얼음을 깨다? 처음 만난 사이에서 '어색함을 깨다'는 뜻입니다. 처음 만나면 농담도 하고 가벼운 대화(small talk)을 하면서 분위기를 만들죠. 이러한 것을 break the ice라고 합니다. 

put your foot in it

말 실수나 잘못된 행동으로 분위기가 어색해지고 이상해지게 만드는 것을 'put your foot in it'이라고 합니다. 


see eye to eye with 사람 

'see eye to eye with' 눈과 눈을 마주하다의 뜻은 '의견 일치하다. 합의를 보다'는 뜻입니다. 

 in hot water

뜨거운 물에 있다? 뜨거운 물에 있으면 정말 불편하겠죠? '곤경에 처하다'는 뜻입니다.  

 thrown in the deep

힘든 일에 뛰어들다 / 내몰리다는 뜻으로 thrown in the deep을 쓸 수 있습니다. 

'좋아요', '팔로우', '친구', '구독'해주세요 ^^


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