필수 어휘 정리 / / 2013. 12. 11. 16:57

영어 이메일(Email) 표현 정리


영어 이메일 표현 정리

오늘은 영어로 이메일(Email)을 적거나 영어 편지 혹은 카드를 적을 때 많이 쓰는 표현들을 정리해보았습니다. 
따로 영어 이메일 작성하는 법은 추후에 다시 블로깅을 할 예정입니다. 

 E-mail Expressions 

 사과 (Apologizing)

I'm sorry about... 

I am sorry that... 

I'm very sorry about... 

I'm very sorry for... 

Please forgive me for... 

I'd like to apologize for... 

Please accept my apologies. 

Please accept my sincere apologies. (very formal) 

요구 (Asking for help)

I'd be grateful if you could... 

I would be grateful if you could... 

I would appreciate it if you could... 

Could you please... 

I was wondering of you could help me.(informal) 

I would like to know... 

정보를 요청할때 (Asking for Information)

I am writing to enquire about... 

I am writing to find out about... 

What I am looking for is... 

I would like to know about/if... 

글을 맺을 때 (Closing)

I look forward to seeing you. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 

I look forward to meeting you. 

불만을 말할 때 (Complaining / expressing dissatisfaction)

I'm writing to express my dissatisfaction with... 

I'm writing to express my annoyance with... 

I am not happy about... ...was very disappointing. 

감사 안부 (Conveying regards)

Please give my best regards to your family. 

Please pass on my best wishes to your wife and children. 

Please give my regards to your parents. 

만족감을 표현할 때 (Expressing satisfaction )

I was delighted to hear that... 

I was very happy to learn that... 

I was thrilled to find out that...

I was glad to hear that... ...was very enjoyable. 

걱정, 애도를 표할 때 (Expressing concern / sympathy)

I was sorry to hear about... (your accident/ illness) 

I am writing to express my concern about... 

나쁜 소식을 전할 때 (Giving bad news)

I regret to inform you that...(semi-formal) 

I am sorry to tell you that...(informal) 

I regret to advise you that...(formal) 

I am afraid I have some bad news.(informal) 

좋은 소식을 전할 때 (Giving good news)

I am pleased to inform you that...(semi-formal) 

I am delighted to tell you that...(informal) 

I am happy to advise you that...(formal) 

I thought you might like to know that... 

이유를 말할 때 (Giving reasons )

This is because... 

This is because of... 

This is due to... (formal) 

This is as a result of...(formal) 

This is owing to...(formal) 

제안 할 때 (Making suggestions)

Would it be a good idea to... 

Perhaps it would be a good idea to... 

감사함을 말할 때 (Thanking)


Thank you. 

Thank you very much. 

Thank you kindly. 

I can't thank you enough. 

No words can express my gratitude. 

I am extremely grateful for... 

I very much appreciate your _____ing


Thanks for studying Today!


여러분의 '좋아요', '팔로우', '친구', '구독', 그리고 '공감'을 기다립니다. 


좋아요  페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/raccoonenglish

팔로우  트위터 https://twitter.com/RaccoonEnglish0

친구 ☞ 카카오스토리 https://story.kakao.com/raccoon_english

구독 ☞ 네이버 오픈캐스트 http://opencast.naver.com/re979

▶ 블로그 저작권 및 펌 관련 안내                                                            저작권등록 2013 Copyright ⓒ Lina Yu            

여러분의 공감

저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다.

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