아이폰 6, 애플 워치Watch 출시 영어로
라쿤잉글리시 미친너굴입니다.
애플 WWDC 2004 이벤트가 있습니다. 애플 아이폰 6와 아이폰 6 플러스, 애플 워치가 소개되었죠?
오늘은 WWDC에 대해서 영작을 해봤습니다.
Apple launch iPhone 6
iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and Apple Watch
Yesterday was an exciting day for Apple, tech and gadget lovers. At a keynote event in California, Apple unveiled the latest addition their iPhone series. These unveilings prompt massive world-wide media coverage including minute-by-minute updates.
As well as introducing two iPhones with larger screens, the company also previewed a highly anticipated smartwatch, which combines health and fitness monitoring with mobile computer capabilities like maps.
There was much interest in the I Watch because it was the first new product launched since the death of former CEO, Steve Jobs. People had wondered if Apple could continue to innovate without the creative Jobs heading the company.
Yesterday was an exciting day for Apple, tech and gadget lovers.
어제는 애플과 기술, 디지털 기기 러버들에게는 매우 흥분되는 날이었다.
At a keynote event in California, Apple unveiled the latest addition their iPhone series.
캘리포니아의 키노트 이벤트에서, 애플은 아이폰의 최근 제품을 선보였다.
These unveilings prompt massive world-wide media coverage including minute-by-minute updates.
이러한 공개 세계의 큰 미디어들의 보도가 시시각각으로 업데이트하도록 한다.
As well as introducing two iPhones with larger screens, the company also previewed a highly anticipated smartwatch, which combines health and fitness monitoring with mobile computer capabilities like maps.
더욱 커진 화면의 두 아이폰 소개와 함께, 애플은 매우 기대했던 스마트시계도 미리 선보였는데, 이 시계는 지도와 같은 컴퓨터 기능을 포함하고서, 건강, 운동 상태를 알려주는 기능도 담고 있다.
There was much interest in the Apple Watch because it was the first new product launched since the death of former CEO, Steve Jobs.
애플 와치가 가장 흥미로웠다. 왜냐하면 전 CEO, Steve Jobs 이후로 첫 신제품이기 때문이다.
People had wondered if Apple could continue to innovate without the creative Jobs heading the company.
사람들은 애플을 이끌던 창의적인 Jobs가 없이 혁신을 계속할 수 있을지 궁금해해 왔었다.
Image ⓒ https://www.apple.com
'좋아요', '팔로우', '친구', '구독'해주세요 ^^
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